XOMBIE: DEAD AHEAD is a short-form web series published on YouTube by writer, director, and animator James Farr.
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What if a zombie had a mind of its own? Would it choose to feed? Or to fight? This is the riddle at the core of XOMBIE: DEAD AHEAD, a series which follows the continuing adventures of Dirge - a sentient zombie torn between his undead impulses and a lingering sense of humanity. “Chapter 1” has just been released by independent creator James Farr, now returning to the Xombie universe after a ten year hiatus. With a story that’s spanned an animated series, a 5-issue comic book, and even a cancelled Dreamworks film, Farr is now personally writing, directing, and animating the new series exclusively on his YouTube channel.
James Farr bio available on JamesFarr.com.
Full list of cast and contributors with links to personal websites available on the Team page.
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Additional Links
XOMBIE: DEAD AHEAD Chapter 1 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/HEtwE7CpKK8
See James Draw - XOMBIE: DEAD AHEAD Chapter 1 on YouTube: https://youtu.be/YKCfYvaXm_M
James Farr YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/jamesrfarr
James Farr website: http://www.jamesfarr.com/
James Farr Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamesrfarr
XOMBIE Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/officialxombie/
First Online XOMBIE Web Series: https://youtu.be/J70azufCPOc?list=PL4421414776CEA3D5
XOMBIE: REANIMATED Comics: http://amzn.to/2mdJm32
XOMBIE: DEAD ON ARRIVAL Illustrated Novel: http://amzn.to/2mF1Bvw
“If you’re familiar with Xombie, I don’t have to tell you what a non-stop slayride of design, entertainment, spooky fun and macabre thrills and chills await you as you devour the potent pages of this book. If you haven’t met Zoe & Dirge yet, well, I hesitate to spoil one iota of the surprise & wonder you’ll enjoy as you are initiated into the creepy/beautiful, Xhilerating world of Xombie.”